Welcome to my blog!!
Saving money has always been my forte. I have found that being frugal does not have to be about living with less and giving up the small pleasures in life.
I am currently a college student, so I know firsthand that sometimes people feel that they have to give up small things because they can't afford it. I am here to dispel all of that and to tell you that you can get the most out of life by learning my secrets. Unlike the other deal sites out there, I want to focus my site on the younger generation and young adults. This is the most important stage of your financial life, and it also when money is the toughest.
Here, I will update you on the latest and best deals around, from fashion to groceries. I will share all of my spots for the best deals and will even show you how to earn a few bucks. You won't miss a thing!
Any questions or requests? Send them my way at frugalandsavvy@gmail.com